The latest raid in The War Within is Liberation of Undermine, which sees our band of plucky heroes taking a stand alongside much of Goblinkind in order to ...
Hungry for power, Queen Azshara begins summoning the dark titan Sargeras and his demonic minions through the Well of Eternity. This story is told through Richard A. Knaak's trilogy of novels - The ...
The Emerald Dream is one of the most mysterious realms in Warcraft lore. Apart from being created by the Titans, little is known about it. True to its name, it is more of an ethereal dimension ...
It goes without saying that Blizzard is capable of making some great antagonists in World of Warcraft. While recent villains like Xal’atath and Gallywix are amazing, players are hoping to see a return ...
Raids in World of Warcraft are the bread and butter of the endgame. After leveling your character, raids—considered by many to be the ultimate challenge that WoW has to offer—await you at the ...