Compared to nearby cities, Philly seems to have a much lower rat population, or at least is home to vermin who are better at ...
Why are rats relatively rare in Philly? The city reports fewer complaints than Baltimore, Boston, D.C., and New York. Plus, ...
African giant pouched rats like Carolina prevented nearly 400,000 new cases of a deadly disease. It's possible because of ...
They are eating through our cars, getting into our bins and it can't be good for all the children around here. It's a health ...
Rodents like mice, rats, voles, and squirrels can cause damage to gardens by chewing on plants, eating seeds, burrowing in ...
Trailing behind Queens CB 8 on the list of districts with the highest rat report increases year-over-year are Bronx CB 10 in ...
Experts argue that the population increase in rodents is because of warmer climates, urbanization and recent legislation.
No one likes rats in your garden, but there could be one thing that could be attracting these rodents which gardeners urge to ...
The tiny billboards market Band-Aids as sleep eye masks, Staples rubber bands as workout equipment and Kraft noodles as ...
The vermin can be an extremely annoying nuisance in your garden - but there is a simple way to keep them away.
There's a traffic median in San Francisco being called "Rat Island." And now, officials are asking the public to stop feeding wildlife.
Is rat sibling rivalry a real thing? When watching this video at first glance, you might think competing over food is typical ...