विश्व में कविताओं के लेखन, पठन, प्रकाशन और शिक्षण के लिए नए लेखकों को प्रोत्साहित करने के उद्देश्य से मनाये जाने वाले 'विश्व ...
Many Indian writers have benefitted from the famed Iowa Writing Program, but recent funding cuts threaten to close this ...
The first time Dr. Fajgenbaum repurposed a drug, it was in an attempt to save his own life. At 25, while in medical school, ...
Wandering Stars author Tommy Orange and Martyr! author Kaveh Akbar teamed up for a Bay Area book tour this month, stopping at six independent bookstores and the East Bay Innovation Academy, a school ...
The volume of investments in the Kostroma region in 2020-2024 amounted to 185 billion rubles. This became known on March 20 at a meeting between Vladimir Putin and the head of the region, Sergei ...
In the fall of 2023, Connor Flanagan assumed the helm of the Bridgehampton Museum as its new executive director. Now, just ...
It must have been a dismal childhood that Robert Allen Zimmerman spent in the town of Hibbing in the upper Midwest US state of Minnesota - somewhere in the middle of nowhere, with long dark winters, ...