These cool cultivars are easy to grow in the ground or containers, will grow in sun or shade, and are easy to propagate, too.
Many dogwood varieties don’t need sun and will tolerate partial- to full-shade conditions. One spectacular species to try is ...
Tired of your garden being a feline toilet? Discover the plant that some say keeps cats at bay with its unique scent.
The issue of cats using gardens as their personal litter trays is a common gripe for homeowners but one plant has been proven ...
Sharing plant cuttings is a free and environmentally friendly way to grow your plant collection. You just have to know where ...
These gorgeous low-maintenance container plant ideas will help you beautify almost any outdoor space. Plus, get creative ...
Les déjections des chats vous posent problème ? Découvrez comment cette plante peut les éloigner naturellement et ...
Each winter, gardeners bid farewell to their outdoor growing spaces and turn their attention to other ways to occupy their ...
Other great plants to add foliage colour are crotons and coleus; their foliage is outstanding. Adding some bright orange ...