The Vatican’s clinical communication about the pope’s health paradoxically reveals little about Francis’ daily life. Every ...
Although Pope Francis has done many things in favor of Jews and Israel, perhaps now it is time that he, or a papal ...
By opening a nunciature in the Southeast Asian country in 1950, the Holy See made a great contribution to the development of the post-colonial world, and unity among the country’s many religious ...
At his Wednesday audience, when he’s in good health, Pope Francis hosts the “Sposi Novelli,” inviting newlyweds from around ...
Here we explore how Christian antisemitism moved beyond the Church, influencing major secular thinkers like Karl Marx, ...
The pontiff’s bout with double pneumonia, and warnings that he could be significantly diminished, have accelerated ...
Pope Leo XIII, the next pontiff, had a copy of the picture on his desk so that he might see it constantly during his working day. St. Pius X sent a copy of the icon to the Empress of Ethiopia and ...
At 88, Francis is the second-oldest Pope in history to have held office. Leo XIII holds the record as the oldest reigning Pope, reaching the age of 93.
In September 1943, the Western Allies—the US, Britain, and Canada—invaded fascist Italy, which was allied with Nazi Germany ...
4) The Assumption This marian dogma was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII on November 1, 1950 on his Encyclical Munificentissimus Deus. A distinction needs to be made between Ascension and Assumption.
Following this combined US$27 million of additional funding, both OIC and the Existing Noteholders may also agree to partial ...