The colder temperatures the Northwoods has been seeing may make it a little tougher for people to remain motivated in getting active to meet physical ...
Exercising regularly can help prevent chronic diseases and improve your overall well-being. Try these tips to increase your ...
February is not only the perfect month for romantics, but it’s also Healthy Lifestyle Awareness Month. According to the faculty of health Sciences at the University of Cape Town ...
Studies have shown that just a few minutes of exercise each day can go a long way in offsetting the harms of sedentary ...
The physiological power and biological value of brain-derived neurotrophic factor is so significant that it is often referred ...
A sedentary or physically inactive lifestyle increases a person’s risk for heart disease, as well as many other conditions and ailments. As the country observes Philippine Heart Month, it is important ...
Hone Health suggests five ways in which maintaining, or improving, your sex life can have profound effects on your overall ...
February 7 is National Wear Red Day in honor of the fight against the leading cause of death in the United States: heart disease.