In terms of ground combat, there’s nothing more terrifying in the Halo universe than the Scarab. These bug-like walking tanks were introduced in Halo 2 and feature a devastating main cannon that ...
Figures may not sum to 100% due to rounding. Explore charts about: Explore charts about: Search by region, state, or metro area Recommended citation: Pew Research Center. 2025. “2023-24 U.S. Religious ...
New Delhi: The Muslim population in the United States is all set to surpass the Jewish community and become the second-largest religious group by 2040, according to the data from the Pew Research ...
Across 18 mostly middle-income countries, people say it is best to get married and have a first child around 26 years old. They place the best age for buying a home at just under 30 and the ideal age ...
“Presidential approval ratings have always been partisan, with members of the president’s party offering more positive assessments than those in the opposing party,” according to the Pew ...
In October, a Pew Research survey revealed that 69% of voters were “very concerned” about home prices. One of the biggest challenges to acquiring affordable housing is the regulatory process.
She highlighted statistics from the Pew Research Center, which state that 79 percent of women in heterosexual relationships in the U.S. still take their husband's last name after marriage ...
Muslim Population In 2050: The Pew Research Center in its study “The Future of World Religions” has estimated that by the year 2050, Islam will become the most followed religion in the world.
A 2018 Pew poll found that 73 percent of Republicans believed higher education was headed in the wrong direction—and of that group, 79 percent cited politicization of the classroom and curriculum as a ...
The Pew Research Center cites most Americans who have an adjusted gross income of under $40,000 pay effectively no federal income tax. In February, Fishback appeared on Steve Ram's podcast and ...
An icon of a desk calendar. An icon of a circle with a diagonal line across. An icon of a block arrow pointing to the right. An icon of a paper envelope. An icon of the Facebook "f" mark. An icon ...
Every Tuesday, Kendall & Casey take a captivating break from politics to explore the shadowy world of crime, mystery, and intrigue. With sharp analysis, compelling storytelling, and a dash of humor, ...