FDA general secretary Dave Penman said the union welcomed a move away from “crude headcount targets” but that the distinction between the back office and front line is “artificial”.
You’ve had a bath in beans, served tea and biscuits to teachers and dressed as a clown - all in Sunderland for Comic Relief.
Aquarter of the way through this century, regime change has become a canonical term. It signifies the overthrow, typically but not exclusively by the United States, of governments around the world ...
A collection of works owned by German-born art historian Klaus Hinrichsen (1912-2004), a key figure in promoting émigré art in the UK, emerged at the latest specialist Prints & Multiples sale at south ...
The French inventor André Romain Guilmet (1827-92) took out many patents for his ingenious designs including in 1868 the idea for a driving chain on a bicycle.