Researchers implement a quality improvement initiative to raise screening rates for chlamydia and gonorrhea in adolescents.
You can usually find a test kit that screens for one or two STIs for ... be uploaded to an online portal in about a week. You’ll get a separate result for every STI that you get tested for.
OU Health Services and the Office of Advocacy and Education offer valuable resources and tips to help you navigate spring ...
Blizzards. White-outs. Knee-deep snow, and kilometres of slush. These are the conditions that decades of marketing have ...
LetsGetChecked offers a range of multiple STI tests in collaboration with CLIA ... Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). One advantage of choosing Nurx is that the company allows ...
when the government says one thing while expressly doing another ... cancer screenings, STI and HIV services, and other essential reproductive healthcare. … These funding disruptions could ...
By Giles Clasen In Uganda, where more than 1.4 million individuals live with HIV, access to life-saving antiretroviral (ARV) ...
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Doxycycline can lower the risk of getting certain STIs by two-thirds, according to the NYC Department of Health.
While the research provides strong evidence that bacterial vaginosis is spread during sex, experts are still debating whether to officially classify it as an STI. Bacterial vaginosis, one of the ...
MANILA, Philippines — STI Education Services Group Inc. looks to sustain its growth momentum by continuing to build new campuses while also keeping an eye for potential acquisitions.