As millions of people break their Ramadan fast, many believers around the world reach for a wildly popular dish tied to an ...
It is true that our minds distinguish us from the metal machines around us. However, there is another unique component that deserves even ...
The holy month of Ramadhan is a special gift from the Almighty, a time of mercy and blessings. The Religious Teachings Department at the Sultan ...
Sarah Ferguson presents Australia's premier daily current affairs program, delivering agenda-setting public affairs ...
Hereunder SUNA publishes unofficial translation of the text of the statement: - In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious ... Al-Dagalo militia targeted the Om Dabakir power station last night ...
Den 20 december i fjol larmades polis ut till Ekohallen i Fjälkinge med anledning av en stöld. Två personer, en 35-årig man ...
Vänsterpartiets Nooshi Dadgostar anländer med några tjänstemän, den svarta, långsträckta begravningsbilen parkerar. Ytan runt själva gravschaktet – ett djupt, rektangulärt hål vars insida är täckt av ...
Vad händer om den här exploderar? frågar han ... Tecknet som används av sunnimuslimer symboliserar en tro på Allah. Issa hoppas att byns barn ska få en bättre barndom än han själv fick. – Bashar ...
In a democracy, the essence of free speech lies in its ability to protect even the most uncomfortable or controversial expressions. | OPINION ...
The President General of Mzough U Tiv Worldwide and leader of Benue’s three major socio-cultural groups—Mzough U Tiv, Ochi’ Idoma, and Om’Ngede ... the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders ...