The grant will fund projects including a new outdoor market and a new scheme to crack down on private landlords are among the ...
Jade, who bravely spoke out on Oldham's depraved gangs, warns that 'nothing will change' despite an impending Government review ...
Deferred in January, the developer has declared its intent to appeal if further delays ensue on the allocated Failsworth site. Members will also consider plans for 101 homes at Foxdenton, Chadderton.
A Royton Councillor has slammed Oldham Council for spending £48,180 a year on a Council newspaper 'nobody wanted', dubbing it ...
Liverpool sporting director Richard Hughes is already very familiar with Dean Huijsen. But a transfer might rely on outgoing business happening at Anfield first.
Oldham Council has released new behind-the-scenes pictures of the Spindles revamp. The photos show some of the work taking place inside the new building, which will become home to traders and ...
UK Construction Blog has published a comprehensive study examining the effects of the upcoming April 2025 Stamp Duty Land Tax ...
A shop in Oldham town centre has been fined £10,000 for using illegal workers. Bargain Stop, based on Henshaw Street opposite Tommyfield Market, has been named on a list of businesses in the UK that ...