A group of upstate landlords compared new disclosure requirements of New York's rent control law to unconstitutional, warrantless demands for business records.
Just when they thought they were free, these Syracuse businessmen are dragged back to court by determined feds.
Citadel’s Ken Griffin is forging ahead with his new Park Avenue office tower, filing plans with the city as the developers gear up for a public review of the project starting in March.
In a decision released Friday, the Appellate Division of state Supreme Court, Fourth Department, unanimously reversed the convictions and granted a new trial. The conviction stem from a fire that ...
Judge Maria Elena Cruz is sworn in as Arizona's newest Supreme Court justice by Gov. Katie Hobbs on Feb. 3, 2025.
The woes include limited sunlight, poor cell phone reception, balky elevators and overall decay in the magnificent Art Deco ...
This meet will provide updates on the New Philadelphia district's $72 million bond issue on May ballot, including potential ...
But the redevelopment of six-story 148 Duane St. has seemed to thwart the head of Swig Equities at every turn. Since Swig ...
Residents claim the developer is manipulating rental concessions to skirt the requirements of receiving a tax break for ...
A landlord is abusing the state's polarizing 421-a affordable housing tax break at its recently completed residential project ...
Latest news and live updates on the inauguration of Donald Trump after his election victory. Follow live as the event unfolds in Washington, D.C.
News 9 Investigates has obtained a transcript of an interview with the chief justice of the New Hampshire Supreme Court that contradicts ... meeting he had with the State Attorney General's ...