Two murals have been painted at a Kenilworth play area to attract more people to the space. The paintings of a cat and mouse ...
Murals "brighten spaces, build pride and bring communities together", Freestyle Community Projects said. Further events will ...
Shela Yu's dreamy, vibrant murals are all over metro Phoenix. But the Arizona-born-and-raised muralist didn't always think ...
Billboard has reached out to Kendrick Lamar for comment. The 22-time Grammy winner has never confirmed which “white comedian” ...
Murals have had their time in interior home design but now they seem to be making an appearance outside. However, is it going ...
The mural by Eric Minckley gives a sense of place and show that "this isn't a drive-through" but a destination.
Sacramento murals created in the 1970s by a renowned artist Millard Sheets at risk of demolition.
People in the downtown area may have noticed something going on with some of the buildings this week. Work began this past ...
VIVID ArtFest committed to supporting 'creative economy and (to) celebrate diversity in public art and culture in this way.' ...
The world has Banksy, Carlisle has Ino and Rita Romero, whose street art is helping to build community in their neighbourhood ...
Clint Morris, Fred Brereton and John Albertini will appear on the consolidated general election ballot April 1 in the race of ...
The legacy and impact of George Pullman and the Pullman Porters are featured in murals displayed along the Kennedy Expressway.