A new role of calcium in the development of muscles has been reported by two RIKEN biologists.
The gut microbiome comprises the trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms that live in our digestive tracts, and it has been increasingly connected to human health and disease. A new Yale study ...
A sponge-like implant in mice helped guide a treatment that slowed or stopped a degenerative condition similar to multiple sclerosis in humans. It also gave University of Michigan researchers a first ...
Researchers from Bonn and Erlangen identify the protein MLC1 as a target antigen in multiple sclerosis (MS); a chronic ...
Stress management strategies such as mindfulness and exercise can help you manage your multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis.
Multiple sclerosis home adaptations that include adaptive equipment and technology can help prevent falls for people living ...
Here, inspired by the multiple muscle synergy and lateral line sensing function of fish, we developed a soft robotic fish with multiple actuating units and embedded sensing elements. By ...
Ongoing or frequent numbness in the legs can indicate underlying health issues such as diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, ...
Ashleigh Talbot just assumed that the odd feeling would pass by itself but when the tingling spread to her other leg she ...
Lina Nielsen was diagnosed with MS aged 17 and initially feared her athletics dreams were over due to her lack of education ...