Equip Cloud, Aerith, Barrett, Tifa, and the rest of the party with the strongest and most ... an obi sash and a pair of traditional sandals. Moogle Hat & Cape Outfit also has that Ninja essence ...
Using different pairings in your party allows for different kinds of Synergy Skills ... Divine Intel, Excavation Intel, Moogle Intel, and Phenomenon Intel. These still vary by area, but the basic idea ...
On the PvP front, an improved version of The Borderlands Ruins (Secure) returns to Frontline. Among the various changes, the ...
The Moogle Treasure Trove event returns in Final Fantasy 14 on February 26. Players complete challenges to earn Irregular Tomestones for rare rewards like the Paissa Earring. The event will last ...
It's time for another Moogle Treasure Trove event in Final Fantasy 14! Don't miss out on incredibly rare, hard-to-get items (Image via Square Enix) It’s that time again, Final Fantasy 14 fans ...
What items are going to be the best bang for your buck during the Final Fantasy 14 Moogle Treasure Trove event? Here are our picks (Image via Square Enix) The Final Fantasy 14 Moogle Treasure ...
Duties in the Duty Finder may have a Moogle head next to them, noting they are a Standard Objective that rewards Irregular Tomestones. Weekly Minimog challenges, like fishing, dole out those items ...
With FF14 7.2 about a month away now, Square Enix is enticing you to make an early return to the MMORPG with the launch of its regularly scheduled Moogle Treasure Trove event. Starting today and ...
As Los Angeles gets ready for Hollywood’s biggest night of the year, here’s Variety’s ultimate party guide for all things happening before, during and after the 97th Academy Awards on March 2.