TCL X955 Max QD-Mini LED 4K TV was launched in India on Tuesday. First showcased at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2025 in Las Vegas this year, it boasts a massive 115-inch screen which is ...
Driving down Main Street in Russell, you may have noticed something new at the Dream Theater. Last week, two new LED screens were added to replace the previous LED screens that were damaged by severe ...
The new screen is 27″ in size and built around a flat format LG.Display IPS panel. It has a 3840 x 2160 “4K” resolution with a 160Hz native refresh rate, or you can use the panels dual-mode feature to ...
If you’re into more savory foods, choosing one with a meat grinder or pasta maker attachment can expand your repertoire in the kitchen and help you get even more mileage out of your stand mixer.