Malayalam filmmaker Rasheed M H, known as Shafi, passed away at 56 in Kochi after suffering a stroke. He was celebrated for ...
Rasheed MH was undergoing treatment after suffering a stroke on January 16 and remained in critical condition for several ...
Kochi: Filmmaker Shafi, known for bringing laughter to Malayali audiences through his popular films, passed away at a private ...
Filmmaker Shafi, known for bringing laughter to Malayali audiences through his popular films, passed away at a private ...
Malayalam filmmaker Shafi died on Sunday. The 56-year-old had suffered a stroke earlier this month and had been hospitalised ...
Malayalam director Shafi, who was admitted to a hospital in Kochi after suffering a stroke, passed away in the early hours of ...
Filmmaker Shafi, celebrated for bringing laughter to Malayali audiences through his popular comedies, was laid to rest at ...
Malayalam filmmaker Shafi suffered a stroke on January 16, and was hospitalised in Kochi since then. He breathed his last at 12:25 am on Sunday.
Malayalam filmmaker Shafi passed away at 56 on Saturday, after battling a stroke. He directed several successful films and ...
Director Shafi, best known for his fun and emotional family entertainers, is no more. In his career as a director spanning ...
February's OTT releases offer a diverse mix of genres, including Boman Irani’s The Mehta Boys, Sanya Malhotra’s Mrs., and ...