If your weekend plans involve doing absolutely nothing except sinking into your couch with some top-tier entertainment, we’ve ...
The series, about a resurrected bounty hunter working to save his own soul, mixes crime, horror, comedy, and music.
Prom Queen and other books are being adapted for film and television this spring. New adaptations will open in theaters and ...
Elysium is an underrated sci-fi film by District 9 director, Neill Blomkamp. It features a fantastic cast with Matt Damon, Jodie Foster, Diego Luna, and Wagner Moura, so make sure to watch Elysium on ...
Ano ainda terá trama biográfica de Raul Seixas, séries sobre cangaceiros, vampiros e sequências de sucessos dos universos ...
Diversas cidades serranas e do Sertão cearense já estão se preparando para receber os foliões neste Carnaval. Durante o período, municípios tradicionalmente visitados contarão com uma programação ...
About a third of the way through “Dope Thief” you might get hit by a gnawing and familiar thought: This should have been a two-hour movie, not an eight-episode limited series. It is sporadically ...