A bouquet of thousands of stars in bloom has arrived. This composite image contains the deepest X-ray image ever made of the ...
Kokoro Hosogi, a physics student at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), has achieved a rare honor for an ...
Emile Hirsch has signed on to supernatural thriller The Condemnation that Luminosity Pictures is introducing to EFM buyers ...
Emile Hirsch is all set to play an investigative journalist in filmmaker Catherine Pirotta's upcoming feature The ...
Emile Hirsch is set to star in Luminosity Pictures’ supernatural thriller The Condemnation from writer-director Catherine ...
Sirius, the Dog Star, is difficult to ignore. Ostentatiously scintillating on the southern horizon right now, the “Searing ...
The event is designated EP240408a, as it was first detected by the Einstein Probe, an X-ray space telescope, on 8 April 2024.
A Month of Bright Planets Venus blazes at its brightest for the year after sunset, then Mars and Jupiter to rule the night ...
Dark energy is still a mystery, but powerful new telescopes are set to uncover clues. With NASA and ESA leading the charge, ...
And if some people try to tell us that not everything deserves the amount of awe we'd like to bestow, well, we'll point in the direction of Death Valley National Park, a Gold Tier Dark Sky Park and ...
The High-Luminosity LHC, which is expected to be operational after 2025, will increase the LHC’s luminosity by a factor of 10. Luminosity is an important indicator of the performance of an accelerator ...
Each boasts an International Tchaikovsky Competition gold medal. Each is a rising star. Each has a Russian background. Each could be heard playing Rachmaninoff over the weekend in Southern ...