It can be tricky to read cats' body language, as they are so different from people – but one vet hoping to bridge the ...
Experts share that if you are re-arranging the home to make room for baby, do it gradually so your pet has time to adjust ...
A loving cat in need of medical care was rescued — then came more good news. Pogue, who can’t walk on his hind legs and lost ...
Communication is essential be it for humans, animals or cats, for that matter. Every now and then, you must let your cat know ...
"Cirrus would call out to him, and Ivory would run back into the room and stay with him to make him feel better," a shelter worker told Newsweek.
Whiskas is on a mission to convert ‘cat haters’ into ‘cat lovers’, via a program and partnership with Essencemediacom, Chep ...
Sky is a lovely gray-brown tabby with longish hair and a funny and sweet demeanor. Sky came to us from a fellow shelter in ...