The Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies Program, in partnership with the Spanish section, invites the U of A community to a celebration of love and friendship from 2-3 p.m. today in J.B. Hunt ...
Closely aligned to the theme of romantic love is that of desire, and across the centuries poets have written about the ...
New Delhi, India - Some recite it, others write it, some even prefer to sing it, but what is clear is that poetry is a ...
Is poetry useless?
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts may have a better right than any other state to call itself “the poetry state.” Celebrated poets from Emily Dickinson and Ralph Waldo Emerson to Elizabeth Bishop and ...
The National Centre for Translation, directed by Karma Sami, hosted a celebration on Wednesday honouring the multifaceted ...
In our latest 5 questions with feature, meet Duane Matthew Dodson, an assistant professor of English at Stark State College and a poet.
Around 50 members of the Gainesville community gathered on Sunday to witness the exhibit introduced as“A Seat at the Table: ...
By force of her imagination and skill, Emily Dickinson could take the measure of solitude, opprobrium and even damnation.
Sassoon and Owen capture in verse the sheer frightfulness of trench warfare; they are the supreme English war poets of their ...
Love is in the air! Here are nine words or phrases related to romance, passion and relationships in different languages.
Carl Gelderloos, an associate professor of German and the director of undergraduate studies for German, hosted “Languages of ...