PDIP menyiapkan 17 pengacara untuk membela Hasto Kristiyanto di persidangan, salah satunya mantan Jubir KPK Febri Diansyah.
Berdasarkan dokumen yang diterima Bisnis, Danantara yang merupakan lembaga super holding Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) itu memiliki logo huruf D ... Adapun, nama "Daya Anagata Nusantara ...
Berikut ini panduan tata cara Registrasi daftar ulang Mahasiswa Baru SNBP Universitas Brawijaya 2025 lengkap jadwal dan syaratnya. - Halaman all ...
Millions if not billions of people use Bluetooth technology every day but very few know that its logo has an ancient hidden ...
The Toronto Maple Leafs have revealed an all new, special-edition logo that is set to be launched for the “Black Excellence” game against the Carolina Hurricanes on Saturday, Feb. 22 at Scotiabank ...
A new Great British Railways logo that will “restore pride” in the British train network is set to be unveiled in May on the first trains to be nationalised under the Labour government.
Salam damai sejahtera untuk kita semua. Mengambil satu sumpah dengan menyebut demi namaKu atau demi nama Tuhan itu berarti kita menghadirkan Tuhan dalam hidup kita atau sumpah kita. Saudari/a terkasih ...
B vitamins are a group of vitamins that are essential for our overall health and wellbeing. These vitamins play an important role in many bodily functions, from producing energy to forming cells ...
Kapanlagi.com - Artis Nikita Mirzani diajukan menjadi saksi oleh pihak pelapor, Shandy Purnamasari, namun belum bisa dihadirkan. Isa Zega mengaku mengenal dengan saksi, karena memang sebelumnya pernah ...
The brand is now named As Ever. She also introduced a new logo for the company comprised of a palm tree with two hummingbirds flapping their wings on either side of it. However, a small Mallorcan ...
Goodbye, clean and traditional hardwood. Welcome, a court emblazoned with hundreds of XII logos that stretch from baseline to baseline and result in a polarizing look that is Louis Vuitton-like to ...
melepas nama NewJeans dan makin mantap beraktivitas dengan nama baru. Grup beranggotakan Danielle, Minji, Hanni, Hyein, dan Haerin itu belum lama mendaftarkan hak cipta buat logo baru mereka. Logo ini ...