Fueled by youth searching for meaning in an uncertain world, Catholic influencers on social media have also emerged as ...
The Church gives us the holy season of Lent each year to help us to step back, to slow down and take stock of our lives.
Hundreds stopped to receive ashes during Bishop Cullinan’s six-hour mission — a sign that despite cultural shifts, the ...
The Rev. Hannah Loughman and the Rev. Ryan Kobert believe in the importance of bringing the church to the people. The pastors ...
For Lent, more than 12,000 people have pledged to boycott companies that Faithful America says is aligned with the president and his policies.
THE start of Lent coincided with the fifth anniversary of the Covid-19 pandemic, a sombre reminder of both our shared vulnerability and our capacity for resilience. The ashes of Ash Wednesday, ...
Ash Wednesday marks the start of the season of Lent in the church. Join us for a penitential service, where we receive a mark of ashes as a reminder that we are created from dust, and to dust we will ...
An abridged text of the reflection “Canada at a Crossroads” released on Ash Wednesday 2025 by the leadership of the Canadian Council of Churches.
He encouraged the gathering to take their Lent seriously. “A great mentor of mine, Father Bill Richters, used to say, ‘have ...
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., archbishop of Newark, marked the beginning of Lent by distributing ashes to hundreds of Catholics during two Ash Wednesday Masses March 5 at St.