Cinecittà World reabre sus puertas. Mañana reabre el Parque del cine y la televisión de Roma, que apaga sus primeras 10 velas ...
TPG headed to Europe for some Christmas market magic but swapped the river cruise for an ocean-going ship. We found there’s ...
Salamanca celebra este viernes, 7 de marzo, un emotivo homenaje a la escritora salmantina Carmen Martín Gaite, coincidiendo ...
And because the entertainment industry’s favorite idea these days is to bring back popular brands by any means necessary, last night brought with it the debut of Suits LA on USA’s sister ...
Speaking of which, the cast of Suits LA is made up of quite a few memorable faces, many of whom you’re bound to recognize from other beloved shows. And as an added bonus, there’s even an OG ...
As Yvonne Villarreal writes in this week’s Break Down, “Suits LA,” premiering Sunday, moves the action to the City of Angels — specifically the world of entertainment law — and she has ...
By Leila Cobo Chief Content Officer Latin/Español, Billboard Back in September of 2021, during the Billboard Latin Music Awards in Miami, Paquita la del Barrio — all 4 feet, 11 inches of her ...
El hombre tiene 55 años y lo suyo es ser un caballo de Troya para el rubro periodístico. Él mismo cita, con regocijo, al escritor peruano Mario Vargas Llosa: "Vivimos en un tiempo de fraudes ...