For almost four decades, Michael Connelly has set his characters loose in a city of big dreams and lucky breaks. Now they’re facing an altered landscape. So is he. By Elisabeth Egan Marcy ...
Rat u Ukrajini – 1.113. dan. Ruske snage nastavljaju da oslobađaju Kursku oblast, nakon što su ušli u Sudžu. Predsednik Vladimir Putin posetio je komandni centar grupe Sever u Kurskoj ...
The governor of the National Bank of Serbia ( NBS ), Jorgovanka Tabakovic, said in the National Assembly that the proposed amendments to the Law on the National Bank of Serbia give the central bank ...
Prema sudskim dokumentima, ni Lopez ni Affleck neće plaćati alimentaciju jedno drugome. Svaki od supružnika zadržava ono što je stekao tijekom braka. Affleck će zadržati svoj udio u produkcijskoj kući ...
<div class="audio-player js-audio"> <div class="audio-player__inner"> <div class="audio-player__icons"> <a class="audio-player__start js-audioStopPlay" href="#"> <svg ...
Anime which this company has licensed: ...
Welcome to this window on GRECO’s world! I invite you to use it to look into the work we do with our 48 member States. We use the dynamics of collective expertise and peer pressure to accomplish ...