The silk trade carried goods, knowledge and design (and disease) across Europe and Asia to bring luxury fabrics to the courts ...
Whether crafting-crazy or just crafting-curious, there’s something for everyone who wants to get a little crafty.
Lauren Brown, an Arizona-based knitting enthusiast, is part of this trend, but she has found her own unique spin.
Lisa Sólrun Christiansen gets up at 4 a.m. most days and gets to work knitting thick wool sweaters coveted by buyers around ...
A specialist knitting company came to Witney with a workshop where participants made blankets using chunky wool and their arms as needles.
Woollen animals and figures will go on show as part of a special hobbies exhibition this summer. Mandy Smith, from Tipton, ...
The club welcomes beginners looking to learn, experienced knitters wanting to share their knowledge, and anyone who wants to ...