Researchers at the University of Virginia have created the first comprehensive protein-level atlas of brain development, ...
What happens in the brain as we age? Might it be at all possible to rejuvenate nerve cells? Seeking answers to these ...
Certain things may make a kidney scan less accurate. These include: Having radioactive tracer in your body from another recent nuclear medicine test. Having barium in your digestive tract from a ...
Introduction: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a risk factor for intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and for worse outcomes following ICH. In this study, we examined the relationship between kidney function ...
It’s all connected: Your healthy heart and your healthy brain go together. When your ticker is in good shape, you’re less likely to have chronic illnesses like diabetes. And your risk for ...
It also reduced the risk of kidney failure and cut the risk of death from heart disease by about 5% in adults with both type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease, the company said in a news release.
Eli Lil­ly is dis­con­tin­u­ing a Phase 2 re­lax­in treat­ment can­di­date for heart fail­ure and chron­ic kid­ney dis­ease, a spokesper­son for the com­pa­ny con­firmed to … ...
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency has donated a state-of-the-art CT Scan machine to the Institute of Kidney Diseases (IKD) in Peshawar – bringing relief for patients in the city. The hospital was in need ...
Heart disease remains the leading cause of death ... during the survey period for all 10 leading causes of death except kidney disease, which increased by 1.5%. The good news is that 80% of ...