The most significant was Boston University professor Ibram X. Kendi. After the 2020 death of George Floyd, Kendi became America’s race guru, selling books, delivering speeches, lecturing corporations, ...
The most significant was Boston University professor Ibram X. Kendi. After the 2020 death of George Floyd, Kendi became America’s race guru, selling books, delivering speeches, lecturing ...
Boston University’s Center for Antiracist Research is set to close in June as Ibram X. Kendi, an antiracist activist and scholar, departs for Howard University in Washington, D.C. The center’s ...
The love affair between Ibram X. Kendi and Boston University wasn’t built to last. It began with great passion. When Kendi arrived at BU in the fall of 2020, the nation was in the throes of a ...
Kendi, founding director of the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research, said in a statement. Kendi will be moving to Howard University, whose main campus is located in Washington ...
Activist author Ibram X. Kendi is leaving Boston University’s Center for Antiracist Research, which will close in June. Kendi was hired by BU to open the center in 2020 following George Floyd ...
As the chief guest, Superintendent of Police Haris bin Jaman said that the youth need to follow the biography of the martyrs. Martyrs never die immortal. The true tribute of the martyrs will ...
Misalnya, urutan penggunaan day cream dan sunscreen yang tidak boleh salah. Lantas, manakah yang sebaiknya digunakan terlebih dulu? Berikut akan diulas Okezone, dari berbagai sumber, Jumat (10/1/2025) ...
Kini, ia menjabat sebagai Kepala Desa dan dikenal memiliki kekayaan yang mencolok. "Dulu dia kuli bareng sama temannya. Ini bukan mengada-ada. Ini fakta adanya," kata Reza, seorang warga Desa Kohod, ...
"Arsin itu asli orang sini. Kalau secara materi, dia dulu itu di bawah rata-rata kehidupannya. Setelah lulus SD, dia mulai cari kerja dan akhirnya berkecimpung di bank harian," ujar dia ...
Drama Korea Love Scout tayang setiap Jumat dan Sabtu tiap minggunya. Anda bisa membaca sinopsisnya dulu sebelum menontonnya besok. Spoiler episode lima terungkap melalui preview drama yang telah rilis ...
Foto before-after yang mengejutkan dari rumah-rumah selebriti yang bernilai jutaan dolar di Los Angeles memperlihatkan kerusakan parah akibat kebakaran hutan di California. Kebakaran yang dimulai di ...