Hlaðvarpið Reykjanes góðar sögur heldur áfram göngu sinni og hafa nýir viðmælendur bæst í hópinn sem hafa góða sögu að segja.
This list of the best hotels in Europe has been curated according to their location, style, rooms, facilities and dining options. Here is our selection of the best places to stay in Europe.
The detachment will be locally directed by the Control and Reporting Centre (CRC) at Keflavik, which oversees a network of four air defense radars located around the island nation. These remotely ...
Kristinn Pálsson átti frábæran leik fyrir Íslandsmeistara Vals þegar liðið heimsótti Keflavík í 15. umferð úrvalsdeildar karla í körfubolta í Keflavík í kvöld. Leiknum lauk með ellefu stiga sigri Vals ...
And now, from the high cliffs above the harbor on a clear day in August 2024, it is possible to see cloud plumes rising from the Reykjanes Peninsula, 50 miles away on the Icelandic mainland. Beginning ...
International tourist numbers grew by 2.1%, totalling 2.3 million, slightly below forecasts due to volcanic activity. U.S. visitors led with 620,000 departures, followed by the UK with 266,000. Both ...
KR vann ótrúlegan yfirburðasigur á Njarðvíkingum í átta liða úrslitum bikarkeppni karla í körfuknattleik í kvöld á Meistaravöllum, 116:67, og Keflavík og Valur tryggðu sér einnig sæti í undanúrslitum ...