KKR & Co. is planning to expand its long-term ownership unit to include investments in infrastructure and real assets.
U.S. law firm Simpson Thacher & Bartlett and Japanese Big Four firm Nishimura & Asahi have advised private equity giant KKR ...
Private infrastructure investors are poised to acquire NHS landlord Assura in a £1.6bn deal, marking the latest potential exit of a London-listed group from the UK market.
KKR, Brookfield, and Apollo are all pulling pages from Berkshire Hathaway's playbook, but success will require smarts, ...
In terms of liquidity and interest, the mean open interest for KKR options trades today is 263.25 with a total volume of 10,048.00. In the following chart, we are able to follow the development of ...
KKR first acquired a 65% majority stake in Seiyu from Walmart in 2021, before acquiring an additional 20% stake from Rakuten in 2023, taking KKR's shareholding to 85%. As part of the transaction, ...
(Bloomberg) -- KKR & Co. is planning to expand its long-term ownership unit to include investments in infrastructure and real assets. What the firm is trying to build at its Strategic Holdings arm ...