It is this same vague, indefinable fear that makes her now oppose the French project of a canal across the isthmus of Suez -- a work so imperatively demanded in the present advanced state of ...
Enter Ferdinand de Lesseps, who had successfully built the Suez Canal, who agreed with many ... in not just the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec but others such as ...
The Isthmus of Suez, once the curse of the fellahs, may ere long become a blessing to them ; for assuredly there is a rich mercantile harvest in store for Egypt since the Eastern portal has been ...
The port was built on an isthmus, a narrow neck of land with sea on either side such as where the Panama and Suez canals are built, where it served as a nexus between the Ionian and Aegean seas ...
She refused to pay her "unjust" $100 fine On This Day in History The massive global shortcut linking the Mediterranean and Red Seas took ten years to dig through the Isthmus of Suez and was built ...
nothing materialised until the concession for construction was given by Colombia (Panama Isthmus was part of Colombia then) to Ferdinand de Lesseps, the French diplomat and developer who had completed ...
Unlike the Suez Canal, which is just an artificial river at sea level ... The ecologist adds that fish on both sides of the Panamanian isthmus will probably find it easy to adapt to the opposite side, ...
As efforts failed to dislodge it, the Ever Given became a symbol of Covid-era anxiety as the pandemic entered its second year ...