Kewpie Corporation will pilot recycled salad dressing caps in a partnership with Refinverse, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, ...
A new type of adhesive that can be cleanly removed from plastic bottles and packaging before disposal could lead to ...
Researchers developed a new system for turning used coffee grounds into a paste, which they use to 3D print objects, such as packing materials and a vase. They inoculate the paste with Reishi mushroom ...
Democrats are back with a “streamlined” version of a bill that seeks to standardize the state’s recycling system and cut down ...
When it comes to feeling confident and comfortable with a reusable period product, there are other avenues to try, including ...
A mortar made from recycled plastic and silica aerogel that improves insulation and reduces plastic waste has been developed ...
A comprehensive assessment sought to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of replacing polyethylene, or PE, packaging like bags, films and containers with alternative materials, including ...
Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging (IVV) and Albstadt-Sigmaringen University ...
A new discovery from an international collaborative research team has solved the mystery of how cells turn on their recycling ...
Lead by CEO Patrik Frisk, Reju’s Regenarative Hub business model integrates sustainability with financial viability at a 50% ...
It's a small step, but every step counts. Global supplier makes groundbreaking replacement to traditional shipment materials: ...