Adolphi, C. and Sosonkina, M. (2025) Machine Learning and Simulation Techniques for Detecting Buoy Types from LiDAR Data.
Laboratory and Field Ecology: the Responses of Animals as Indicators of Correct Working Methods. By Prof. Victor E. Shelford. Pp. xii + 608. (London: Baillière, Tindall and Cox, 1929.) ...
The smart lab concept is truly a step forward, can you elaborate on the tech aspect and why its necessary to innovate to align with the new needs and demands of healthcare? Can you also tell us about ...
Late-night lab ... method for sequestering carbon? Regular concrete is made by mixing cement powder with water and adding sand, rocks, and other supplementary cementitious materials like ...
An IBEC-led study describes the development of an innovative method to control the formation ... (CIBER-BBN); the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Barcelona; and the Institute ...
This repository contains the lab materials (*coding related courses only) of the CSE department at American International University - Bangladesh (AIUB) from the Fall 2023 semester to the present. It ...