Updates: Nearly 3.5 crore devotees took a holy dip on Tuesday, double the figure on the first day of the kumbh mela.
Zodiac signs and horoscopes on 1/19/2025 for Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, ...
BIRTHDAY STAR: Actor Eddie Cahill was born in ... Sometimes it might be best to ignore a challenge; not responding could work to your advantage: You might ignore a test of your authority or ...
Reminisce on special pastimes. IF JANUARY 18 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: The next five to six weeks may offer you ample opportunities to improve your financial situation and secure your future. This could ...
IF JANUARY 15 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Expressing aggressiveness could create friction with others during the upcoming week or two. Your competitiveness may be channeled into forming strategic business ...
IF JANUARY 16 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: During the next four to six weeks your smart analysis of financial trends and business strategies could pay off. In March you may need to guard your temper and ...
Focus on what is possible rather than fixating on what isn’t. If you can’t move forward, cultivate acceptance of your current circumstances. The second half of the day sees the moon enter ...
Rat, your horoscope for this week highlights the need to be kind and bring the light of your soul into every endeavor, whether at work, in your romantic life, or even in community projects.
So here's what you can expect from your weekly horoscope, based on your sun and rising signs! Let's get into it. Mars, the planet of action, takes center stage this week, influenced by several ...