To commemorate the event with their own flair, redditor [PM_(cough)_FOR_KITTENS] hid a 32 x 32 GIF-playing LED matrix in their graduation cap! The board is controlled by a Teensy hosting a ...
You can purchase your regalia from the CU Book Store online or in person. If you’re ... or possess eagle feathers. After graduation season, consider donating your regalia for another student to use.
For example, if you take 16 credits of courses which are part of the "14-credit cap", only 14 will count towards graduation, and you will need to take an additional two credits in uncapped courses to ...
Concordia College has officially traded out the black graduation cap and gown for new maroon colored gowns, starting with the class of 2025. “…graduation attire has been updated to represent school ...
(WXMI) — A cap and gown are the traditional garb on Graduation Day ... written about in the history books or as current living people,” Dye said. But change is on the way.
Gown Rental Graduation Packages brochure. Check the key dates and deadlines page for cap and gown rental deadlines. Delivery cannot be guaranteed for rentals placed after the deadlines. If you missed ...