[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://artifact of ground.gd" id="1_bpndc"] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bl8nqn035pc40" path="res://geode.png" id="2 ...
You can earn the recipe for the Geode Crusher by completing Clint's Special Order "Cave Patrol". In order to build, it requires the following materials: Special orders become available when a ...
The Geode is a pyramidal, chamberesque open-air music venue that seats 40. Its 2024 inaugural season featured Native composer of Mohawk Kaniènkeha descent Dawn Avery’s commissioned cello work ...
Juniper Systems has unveiled the new Geode GNS3H, built to work with Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS). Galileo HAS delivers worldwide positioning with an impressive 20cm accuracy. The Galileo High ...
Note: Some mod settings may need some menu exiting to take effect.
AN eye clinic is now open at the Metoreia Health Centre in the National Capital District.