Understanding these behaviors is imperative. Scientists make incredible discovery when analyzing behavior of flies: 'The ...
After years of concern over the spread of the spotted lantern fly in Pennsylvania, It’s now been spotted in Erie County in ...
Using two species of flies from different climates — one from the cool, high-altitude forests of Northern California, the other hailing from the hot, dry deserts of the Southwest â€” Northwestern ...
This research may help predict how climate change will impact insect distribution and behavior. Tiny cold-blooded animals like flies rely on their environment to regulate body temperature. Their ...
We have always known that flying requires wings. But what if we tell you that you do not necessarily require wings to take ...
A local tree company reported Tuesday that it spotted an egg sac for spotted lanternflies on a tree on Sterrettania Road in ...
Mouth larva usually comes from certain fly species that invade soft tissues inside the oral cavity, such as gums and open wounds. These pests typically infect livestock and other vertebrate ...
I felt a wave of disappointment last August when I opened my front door on a Saturday morning to find an adult spotted ...
A small parasitic fly listens to the mating song of the Pacific field cricket to track the insects down. As these crickets have evolved different songs to escape the fly, it seems the fly has been ...