On the occasion of the Jubilee of Marian Spirituality, scheduled for Oct. 11–12, the original statue of Our Lady of Fátima will be taken to Rome.
The book, a voluminous one, covers work published between 1997-2017 and is purported to be a follow up of the writer’s first ...
A Greens candidate has spectacularly quit to join Fatima Payman’s new Australia’s Voice party and lead its Victorian Senate ticket. Muslim community worker Mohamed El Masri was endorsed by the ...
The Earth has completed another orbit around the Sun, and once again, it's the one day we talk about women—only for things to go back to being a man's world the next day. But do we really need to talk ...
A shirin Nakasa na wannan makon za mu fara da bankwana ne da Fatima Mali mai aikin waye kai da ba da horon sana’oin hannu a ...
Fatima Payman has been accused of whitewashing human rights abuses after the senator claimed Iran was an “incredible place” for women. Academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert, who was arbitrarily ...
The rapid pace of cancellations has raised alarms, with some agencies and lawmakers appealing to DOGE to exempt specific ...
Two ‘first women’
Wrapped in our centuries-old history lie micro-histories with stories that inspire; enveloped within those stories are layers of micro-stories which broaden understanding.
Farhan Reza is a finance professional working at a multilateral development bank headquartered in Shanghai, China. This is ...
In “Believe,” the Times columnist Ross Douthat argues that science has strengthened, rather than weakened, the case for faith ...
This year’s show pays elegant, effusively colorful tribute to the Mexican architect Luis Barragán and his signature palette ...