A Justiça do Maranhão manteve a prisão preventiva do empresário Bruno Manoel Gomes Arcanjo, acusado de homicídio qualificado ...
SPTrans informa alteração de itinerários em diferentes regiões da capital nos dias 08 e 09 de março. Confira mudanças por região, data e horário ALEXANDRE PELEGI O carnaval acabou, mas neste fim ...
Vaz fractured two fingers in his right hand while fielding a ball Friday, Anne Rogers of MLB.com reports. The Royals reassigned Vaz to minor-league camp Saturday to begin his rehab, though it will ...
PORTLAND, Jamaica — Portland Eastern Member of Parliament (MP) Ann-Marie Vaz on Sunday alluded that she deserves another term as MP, citing what she said were positive developments in the ...
Pedido de revogação da prisão foi negado pela ministra Cármen Lúcia. Egídio está em prisão domiciliar desde abril do ano passado, após passar mal e ser internado no hospital. A ministra ...
Advertisment Kevin Vaz, Chairman of the FICCI Media and Entertainment Committee and CEO of Entertainment at JioStar, delivered an insightful keynote, emphasising the South Indian film industry's ...
Energy Minister Daryl Vaz provided the update on Friday as he responded to questions from Opposition Member of Parliament for Clarendon South Western, Lothan Cousins, during the sitting of the ...
Keith Vaz was today bracing himself for renewed calls to quit as evidence from the sleaze inquiry he was accused of sabotaging was published. The embattled Europe Minister has faced repeated ...
Some public transport operators in the Kingston Metropolitan Area have been promised relief by Transport Minister Daryl Vaz who recently announced that the South Parade Car Park in downtown, Kingston ...
The Supreme Court has ordered mediation and set a trial date, in the defamation case between Government Minister Daryl Vaz and People's National Party General Secretary Dr. Dayton Campbell. This ...
Algumas chegaram a Itália vindas do Afeganistão e da Síria, através de corredores humanitários criados pela instituição de caridade Sant'Egidio, em concertação com o Governo italiano; outras provinham ...