Campaigners fighting plans to run trams on Edinburgh's Roseburn cycle path have argued the city should adopt a Bus Rapid Transit scheme for the Granton corridor rather than trams.
Nicola Sturgeon has called for Scotland to have a process to hold an independence referendum such as Northern Ireland has to hold a border poll.
The co-leader of the Scottish Greens says Edinburgh's tourist tax will make the city 'even more beautiful and welcoming'.
The Campaign for Borders Railway have urged the Labour UK Government to see an extension to Carlisle as part of its growth agenda and pledged ...
A new book recalling the life of groundbreaking musician Martyn Bennett has been published 20 years after he passed away ...
There will now be a nine-month transition, with bookings paid for in part or in full after October being liable ...
The Record previously told how three-month-old kit Roxie died after choking on her own vomit from "stress" caused by ...
SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn was given permission by MPs to introduce the Women’s State Pension age (Ombudsman report ...
We have listened to many voices and come to a conclusion that is sustainable, consistent with legislation and will enhance ...
Several attractions and businesses in Edinburgh have announced they will remain closed on Saturday, as the clean-up from the ...
But while councillors are understandably excited about a maximum £50 million annual boost to their finances, commentators on ...
Scottish city to introduce country’s first tourist tax - Those staying in the city will have to pay a 5% fee per night ...