Häuser liegen quer über die Straße geworfen.“ Der Neumarkt: von Trichtern zerfetzt. Auch das Wachpersonal des Klingelpütz-Gefängnisses verlässt nun den Arbeitsplatz und lässt die ...
In der Stadtgemeinde Neumarkt am Wallersee wurde kürzlich das neue Bahnhofs-Cafe eröffnet. Das teilt Bürgermeister David Egger-Kranzinger mit. NEUMARKT AM WALLERSEE, SALZBURG. Das neu eröffnet ...
Der Kreisjugendring Neumarkt freut sich über eine Spende in Höhe von 1500 Euro von der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Holzheim. Die Übergabe erfolgte durch den Vorstand Wolfgang Krysa und den ...
President Donald Trump has signed an executive order declaring English as the United States’ official language, the first designation of such kind in the country’s near 250-year history.
A digital storm has erupted over a deceptively simple question: what does it mean to be English? On one side stands Fraser Nelson, formerly of this parish, insisting that being born in England ...
President Donald Trump signed on Saturday an executive order designating English as the official language of the United States. The order allows government agencies and organizations that ...
Languages: English, Spanish. You can get in touch with Jesus by emailing [email protected] The United States has never had a national language in its nearly 250-year history—until now.
The order did not require changes to federal programs but was a victory for America’s English-only movement, which has ties to efforts to restrict immigration and bilingual education. By Luke ...
As President Trump is expected to sign an executive order designating English as the official language of the U.S., activists and advocacy groups are alarmed by what that will mean for non-English ...
What Trump's Order Making English the Official Language in the US Could Mean As President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order designating English as the official language of the ...
Im Prozess um den gewaltsamen Tod eines Mannes auf einem Bahngleis hat die Staatsanwaltschaft eine Verurteilung der drei Angeklagten wegen Mordes gefordert. Für zwei der Angeklagten lautete das ...