Eighteen collie dogs lived in a filthy stinking static caravan with their owners for over a year - and most never went ...
As a dog owner, you've likely dealt with accidents inside. These tips can teach you how to stop a dog from peeing in the ...
The miraculous story of the three surviving dogs and the hope that they can have new homes is what keeps humane enforcement ...
A woman is being charged with animal cruelty after 19 animals were found inside her one-bedroom apartment covered in urine ...
Living with a cat or dog a person is allergic to can be difficult. But an allergist says there are ways to get relief, and ...
Shauna Donnelly's pet, Molly, was found in a "dreadful and distressing" state when police happened to visit her home for ...
Rita Marie Cox, 48, and her 42-year-old husband were arrested their home in the 10100 block of Dana Court, just west of ...
Leash training a cat doesn't really involve much training. You can’t really train a cat to heel and walk beside you like a ...
New details have emerged in the shocking animal cruelty case against a 33-year-old Westchester woman accused of neglecting ...
A woman faces felony animal abuse charges after deputies say they found several dead dogs on her property and other animals ...