Students at Boardman Center Intermediate School have revived the art of crocheting and knitting, creating a new club that ...
The John T. Gregorio Center on Tuesday is offering free knitting and crocheting classes to all Linden senior citizens. The ...
The woman carried "five cantaloupe-sized balls of yarn" with her to all activities, including wine tasting and brunch, and ...
The popularity of crochet in North America can be attributed to European immigration in the early nineteenth century.
When Kyra Biemans began crocheting, she came across videos on TikTok of people using weather data to create their patterns, ...
A Pokemon fan is hard at work creating adorable crochet plushies of Eevee and its Eeveelutions, with the works gaining praise ...
PETALING JAYA : Faridatul Suhaila Munir Azahan first discovered the joy of crocheting when she was about 10 years old, having ...
Crocheter Tiana from London and ceramic artist Pip from Lancashire are both hoping Dom and his team of mentors can help them turn their talent into profitable businesses.