Corn prices are posting some strength on Friday morning, with gains of 1 to 4 cents, led by the front months. Futures posted strength in the nearbys on Thursday, with contracts up 2 to 3 ¼ cents.
The Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy was updated and IDALs announced a precision ag-tool to optimize nitrogen application.
Schnadt family grows food and traditions on their family farm near Lodi where they process their homegrown grains.
In most fields, corn residue remaining after grain harvest is incorporated into the soil with tillage or is left on the soil surface. But corn residue is also becoming a commodity. It’s ...
Hughes, University of Minnesota Extension The new University of Minnesota publication “Conservation Tillage Systems for Corn Following Soybeans” was developed to assist producers ...
Farmers planting soybeans no longer need to wait a 12-month plant-back interval after applying Adastrio fungicide to corn fields.
Fusarium head blight has been a stubborn threat to cereal crops in Western Canada since the 1990s. Some years are worse than others, but when the ...
Marlin Clark weighs in on how grain traders on the Chicago Board of Trade are feeling about the Feb. 11 World Agricultural ...
Brazil's agricultural research agency Embrapa, which helped turn the country into a leading grains exporter, is preparing a ...
Real Organic smaller farms are proven to be more productive than their enormous industrial counterparts and are far better ...
Looking for an investment idea that’s paid off handsomely in commodities markets over the past six months? Try betting on the ...
By moving Food for Peace to USDA, the program can continue to equip American producers to serve hungry people while providing ...