In extreme cases, the swelling can be profound, resulting in a condition known as elephantiasis. This is because the worm ...
Parasites have been likened to “ecological dark matter” – an unseen force vital for sustaining life on earth as we know it, ...
The comedian Shappi Khorsandi once commented that she used the mythical concept of 'sugar worms' to get her children to brush ...
The hypertension drug rilmenidine has been shown to slow down aging in worms, an effect that in humans could hypothetically ...
Jamie Samnang from Maryland, US, was 'shocked' and 'disgusted' after she contracted ringworm from her local gym after ...
Researchers may have stumbled upon the secret to anti-aging medication in a pill that's already widely used and readily ...
As pet parents, we prioritize keeping our furry family members happy and healthy. Yet worms in pets often get overlooked, ...
Two common gut parasites have been found to alter the behaviour and physiology of honeybees in ways that could harm the ...
A California fishing license is required for anyone 16 and older to take grunion. They must be taken by hand, and no holes ...
Threadworm infestation is a common minor ailment, particularly in kids. The worm species that causes it - Enterobius vermicularis - goes by many other names, including pinworm. This is because it ...
Late Thursday night or Friday early morning, North Americans with clear skies can look up to see a full moon with a beautiful ...
A WOMAN almost died after eating seafood contaminated with worms that burrowed in her brain. The 60-year-old turned up to ...