Chemical Engineering is concerned with the design and operation of processes which convert materials and energy into the higher value products we use every day. It understands the processes which ...
Researchers have now uncovered the 3D structure of the RNA enzyme SAMURI. Their study provides insights into the development of ribozymes and the evolution of catalytically active RNA. Researchers ...
Alboslani detailed this research in her presentation "X-ray echoes from Sgr A* reveal the 3D structure of molecular clouds in the Galactic Center" at the 245th meeting of the American Astronomical ...
School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Cantock’s Close, Bristol BS8 1TS, U.K. School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Cantock’s Close, Bristol BS8 1TS, U.K. Department of Chemical Engineering ...
The team believes that the structure was in use until the 8th century BCE, the middle of the period when the Kings of Judah ruled. A scarab seal from the 8th century BCE uncovered during the ...
Furthermore, our data identify secondary structure-breaking residues that impart localized TM flexibility and asymmetry between the two transmembrane domains. The resulting structural changes and ...
Earth's inner core may actually have two distinct layers. (alexlmx/Canva Pro) "We found evidence that may indicate a change in the structure of iron, which suggests perhaps two separate cooling events ...
School of Pharmacy, University of Eastern Finland, Yliopistonranta 1 C, 70210 Kuopio, Finland ...