Rascher learned that the mills increased their use of shredded tires as a fuel source to power operations. Burning tires and filtering the emissions produces a zinc-heavy ash. Because of its high ...
Past attempts to use tires for road surfacing, fuel and other methods have failed to take hold or have petered out over cost, ...
People who live miles away could see the thick black smoke that came from burning tires. Shaun Trent first got concerned miles away from home. "We were in Bowling Green and was actually eating a ...
A small fire ignited by a resident in Mati City, Davao Oriental to create smoke to repel mosquitoes spread to a stockpile of ...
Hundreds of people are seen crowded around.as cars screech around the bend, doing donuts and burning tires. "It's kind of exciting," Baltimore resident Gabrielle Gladney said. "Because it's the ...
Someone was burning weeds behind a house at 10:30 a.m. at 75 W. 200 N. when the fire spread to piles of tires, police say, sending up the smoke that could be seen for miles. “Apparently someone ...
Louisiana's chronic problem with waste tires has long bedeviled local communities ... She described pyrolysis as a clean burning technology that is used in cement production, but trade promotional ...