Probiotics, live microorganisms that aid in digestion and immunity, are found in various foods. Greek yogurt, kefir, kombucha ...
The typical Japanese diet—as characterized by plant food and fish as well as modest Westernized diet such as meat, milk, and ...
You'll find probiotics in a number of foods, including yogurt, sauerkraut, and more. For a healthy gut, you'll want a ...
From fermented food intake to extracts and supplements, everybody is indulging in the radiant glow of probiotic skincare ...
Diet influences the gut microbiome. Foods high in fiber, prebiotics, probiotics, and antioxidants can support gut health and ...
Probiotics can improve constipation by stimulating bowel movements to allow stool to move more quickly through the gut.
Now, chocolate looks set to join the gut-friendly sales boom. And yes, dark chocolate (70%+ cocoa solids), with its high ...
Probiotics have already been linked to a whole range of positive health outcomes, including improved mental health, treatment ...
To get your fill of them you could take probiotic supplements —but the better, healthier move is to simply eat a wholesome diet full of naturally probiotic-rich foods. Read on to find out why ...
Plus, how your choice of cooking oil can affect your health. You are reading our weekly Well+Being newsletter. Sign up here ...
Researchers infused chocolate with probiotics—the beneficial bacteria often associated with yogurt and kimchi—along with ...