One of the most touching tributes to the victims lost in the Kyoto Animation incident is a statue in Japan’s Kyoto Prefecture. Staning ten feet tall, the statue itself consists of thirty-six birds to ...
A fan-favorite character has just been introduced in Netflix's new anime Sakamoto Days, which means the show's growing ...
The Japanese anime industry has become a worldwide phenomenon and the one that represented it globally is none other than ...
So with all the filler, that started to really protrude out now that my face has become slimmer," she said. "It served its purpose, like I'm just, I'm cutting ties with it so I can move on to the ...
Looking for all the new Anime Adventures codes? As a tower defense game, Anime Adventures challenges you to collect popular anime characters and deploy them to protect your base. Of course, it can ...
Explore face recognition SDK from Faceplugin Top-ranked on NIST FRVT , coupled with an advanced iBeta level 2 liveness detection engine that effectively safeguards against printed photos, video replay ...
Beautifully animated fantasy about friendship fit for all.