Unfortunately, too many conservatives and Republicans are making the mistake that partisans on the left used to make and ...
Esther secured her place in history, joining a long, celebrated line of women who give of themselves selflessly for the good ...
According to the Sages, it was Esther who asked the Jewish community to write the Megillah, so that they would remember her: ...
A new exhibition at the Jewish Museum explores the cult of Queen Esther, whose story won the hearts of Dutch Masters and some ...
French Jews will celebrate the festivities of Purim. Fasting, prayers, readings, meals, and costumes—these two days allow ...
Focusing on a pivotal episode within the Purim story—this crucial conversation between Mordecai and Esther teaches us the ...
The Bible’s Queen Esther was one of the defining Dutch divas of the 17th century and muse to some of Amsterdam’s greatest ...
Scene One, translated here, imagines the ancient Persian King, Ahasuerus, as a drunken, bloated fool who’s an easy mark for evil plotting because he hires out others to do his thinking for him.
Esther was initially hesitant to answer Mordecai’s pleas to reveal her true identity to Ahasuerus, but she decided to take a leap of faith. Her one condition, as she instructed Mordecai ...
Esther, the story goes, was such a looker she wound up marrying King Ahasuerus, who ruled an empire that stretched from India to Ethiopia, between 486-465 B.C. He had no idea that she was Jewish.